There's a rap song that starts with an interlude in which a guy says: you don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. I don't know for sure. All I can talk about is what I do, what I see, what I hear, what I feel. Basically one can only talk about his own life, either if it is what one lives or what one sees his friends and foes live.
I think that mankind's guts are going down the river. No one has the courage to stick to it's values, to it's honor. Or at least the number of people that do stick to those very important things are shortening to much. I see people screwing friends just because they can, people fucking everyone they can just for some twisted sick pleasure. Worst than that though, is people who don't have the guts to show what they feel. People whose primary master is their soul but they close it in seven locks waiting for some miracle to happen.
It's a shame but I'm in this last group. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of not being able to show my heart to who I really want to show it. There's no real excuse for that believe me. I pick everything I can to stop myself from speaking what I want and need to speak. I take every excuse for doing that. Old pains, old games, old stuff not even I remember, old stuff even I know that don't matter because it was another time and another person and another situation. I mean COME ON! Even when I know that the game is completely turned in my favor I take every chance to bail out and wait till the window closes to get the guts to speak my heart? What the fuck is wrong with me? COME ON GOD DAMN IT! I'm freaking out of my head because of something so stupid as guts! I always get the guts I need to have my friends backs covered and I don't have the guts to tell a girl I like her? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG IN MY SOUL? Sometimes a person as to pull up from the heart all the courage and feelings and let them run wild, do something completely crazy, risk everything even if the believe is "I've got more to lose than to win". That's all bullshit! Since when is there anything to lose? In the matters of the heart there's only profit to collect. Either she's in and I'll be happy for as long as it lasts or she's out and all this weight on me is going to disappear because she knows, it ain't some big secret with the power to destroy the world, my world. Getting crazy next to insane in here. All the readers know this, speak your hearts before the silence consumes your souls and you become stone cold black hearted motherfucking assholes. Believe me on this...
domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2007
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2 comentários:
Eu bem disse que tinhas um brilhozinho nos olhos! E ainda nao tinha lido isto, garanto-te!
Sim, eu li um texto inteiro em inglês! E percebi! LOL :P
Vai em frente!! Se sabes o que é certo fazer, faz! Ficar na dúvida para sempre é a pior coisa...!
Bjinho ***
Eu tenho uma outra interpretação sabes?
É aquela de que não há cá tretas como "guts" (coragem) no que ao amor diz respeito. Para dizeres a uma rapariga que gostas dela não precisas de coragem; precisas sim que o saco encha até ao instante em que pode rebentar e só depois, muito naturalmente, lhe dirás o que sentes por ela.
Pode parecer estúpido, eu sei, mas é a minha interpretação e a minha visão de como tudo isso se processa...
Agora, coloco-te uma questão: o teu saco já encheu o suficiente?
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